These attendance figures have been obtained using the information avaliable from the Minutes of Meetings, which can be accessed on the East Renfrewshire Council Web Site. We have limited the figures to Community Councils and Area Forums only.
Whilst we are aware that there are many and varied calls upon Councillors to attend differing types of forums like Tenants & Residents Associations, however at present we have no access to these minutes.
The data with regards to Area Forums has been compiled from the three Area Forums that have been held since the last local election. (Councillors are eligable for only one area forum)
With regards to Community Councils we have used all of the data available on the ERC Web Site, however this does vary at present, with some Community Councils only having minutes relative to 2 meetings (Uplawmoor) and others having 8 and some displaying 10. We intend to build upon this facility and to highlight Councillors attendence over the preceding 12 months, therefore as each consecutive month is added the first will fall off. Some elected members have three Community Councils (CC) in their area, whilst others only have one due to the Multi - Member ward system.
This will be reflected in the number of possible CC meetings that can be attended.
# This is not a definative data collection process, only a guide as to the attendence records of our elected members at two types of meetings where they can interact with the public of East Renfrewshire and drawn from public records. We will rank each Councillor as regards there attendence levels.
View Councillors expenses for 2007 / 08.
View Councillors expenses for 2008 / 09.
Councillors position allowance is as follows:
Leader of the Council £27,057
Councilor Jim Fletcher |
Provost £20,293
Councillor Alex Mackie |
Deputy Provost £18,264
Councillor Betty Cunningham |
Convener for Community Services £18,264
Councillor Mary Montague |
Convener for Education and Equalities £18,264
Councillor Alan Laffetry |
Convener for Environment £18,264 |
Councilor Eddie Philps |
Convener for Housing & Construction Services £18,264
Councillor Danny Devlin |
Convener for Regeneration & Economic Development £18,264
Councillor Tony Buchanan |
Chair of Audit Committee £18,264
Councillor Gordon Wallace |
Chair of Licensing Committee £18,264
Councillor Elaine Green |
Chair of Planning Applications Committee £18,264
Councillor Ian McAlpine |
Convener for Social Work, Health and £16,234
Councillor Douglas Yates |
8 Councillors £16,234 |
CC Meetings
Area Forums
% Rate
Buchanan |
19 |
15 |
3 |
3 |
82.0% |
Carmichael |
29 |
25 |
87.5% |
Cunningham |
3 |
1 |
8.0% |
Devlin |
10 |
3 |
None |
0.0% |
Fletcher |
20 |
3 |
2 |
52.0% |
Gilbert |
19 |
15 |
3 |
1 |
73.0% |
Green |
19 |
8 |
3 |
2 |
Grant |
8 |
7 |
3 |
3 |
Lafferty |
29 |
20 |
3 |
2 |
69.0% |
Mackie |
20 |
18 |
3 |
90.0% |
Millar |
29 |
25 |
3 |
Montague |
11 |
3 |
3 |
21.0% |
McAlpine |
8 |
6 |
3 |
3 |
82.0% |
McCaskill |
11 |
9 |
3 |
2 |
79.0% |
Philips |
10 |
3 |
1 |
69.0& |
Robertson |
11 |
10 |
3 |
3 |
93.0% |
19 |
5 |
3 |
36.0% |
Swift |
8 |
6 |
3 |
2 |
73.0% |
Wallace |
20 |
12 |
3 |
3 |
65.0% |
Yates |
10 |
9 |
3 |
92.0% |
East Renfrewshire Council: Appointments to Statutory and other bodies.
All Scotland Group 2014 Buchanan Assoc of Public Sector Excellence Rosin Auchenback Active Board Devlin Barrhead Crime Prevention Panel Devlin Yates Carts Greenspace Local Area Partnership/Advisory Committee Advisory Committee Carmichael Phillips (Substitute) Local Area Partnership Carmichael Phillips (Substitute) Clyde Valley Learning and Development Project Committee Lafferty COSLA - Convention Fletcher Lafferty Grant COSLA - Community Well Being and Safety Executive Group Montague COSLA - Education, Children and Young People Executive Group Lafferty COSLA - Health and Well Being Executive Group Yates COSLA - Regeneration and Sustainable Development Executive Group Phillips COSLA - Resources and Capacity Executive Group Fletcher Dams to Darnley Park Joint Committee Buchanan Cunningham (Substitute) Gilbert Philips (Substitute) East Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau Devlin East Renfrewshire Community Health and Care Partnership Fletcher Grant McAlpine Swift Yates East Renfrewshire Woman's Aid Green Eastwood Crime Prevention Panel Carmichael McAlipne McCaskill Glasgow Airport Consultative Committee Buchanan Rosin (Substitute) Glasgow and Clyde Valley Structure Plan Joint Committee Grant Phillips Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Board Yates Lowland Reserve Forces and Cadets Association McCaskill Mental Health Partnership Committee Yates North Strathclyde Community Justice Authority Yates Roberston (Substitute) Renfrewshire Educational Trust Gilbert Green Lafferty Renfrewshire Valuation Joint Board Carmichael Fletcher Gilbert Green (Any member is authorised to act as substitute) Scotland Excel Joint Committee Rosin Scotland Accident Prevention Council (Road Safety Committee) Gilbert Scottish Accident Prevention Council (Water and Leisure Committee) Gilbert Scottish Enterprise West of Scotland Regional Advisory Board Buchanan Scottish Liasion Group on Radioactive Waste Management McCaskill Scottish Local Government Forum Against Poverty Yates Scottish National Federation for the Welfare of the Blind Yates Strathclyde Concessionary Travel Scheme Joint Committee Phillips Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Board Montague Cunnningham (Substitute) Strathclyde Joint Police Board Montague Cunningham (Substitute) Robertson Carmichael (Substitute) Strathclyde Partnership for Transport Phillips Gilbert (Substitute) Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority Phillps Strathclyde Pension Fund Representative Forum Robertson Supplier Development Programme Ltd Buchanan Visiting Committee for HM Prison Kilmarnock Carmichael West of Scotland Archaeological Service Joint Committee Miller Lafferty (Substitute) West of Scotland Road Safety Forum Philips Robertson (Substitute)